Foundation for Heritage Education, Promotion and Preservation


“Remembrance of Risto Paligora, M.A. (1961 – 2018) with promotion of the book – guide “Seven churches in Pelagonia, Mariovo and Prespa”

25.01.2024 | Cultural and Information Center - Bitola.

On 25.01 in the ceremonial hall of the Cultural and Information Center – Bitola,  was held the event   “Remembrance of Risto Paligora (1961 – 2018) with the promotion of the book – guide “Seven churches in Pelagonia, Mariovo and Prespa” published by the Association. Makedonida”. In which Risto Paligora is the author of the text dedicated to the Nativity of  Holy Mother of God – Slivnica monastery. At the event, we remembered our dear colleague Risto Paligora, and the documentary film “The Church St. George at Kurbinovo, History, Cultural Significance and Conservation”, whose screenwriter was Risto Paligora was shown.
We would like to express our gratitude to: The International Art Colony “De Niro” – Bitola of Dragi Filevski for the support, the promoter Vlado Gjoreski and the host Cultural and Information Center – Bitola.