allows you to use the services and content on your website in accordance with the TERMS OF USE below. The terms of use apply to all content and services on the website It is acknowledged that users are familiar with these terms if they use any part of our portal, and that they accept that using this website is for personal use only and at their own risk.
Citizens’ Association for valorization, popularization and pedagogy of the cultural heritage MACEDONIA Skopje
Address: Ivo Lola Ribar 74 – 4/9, 1000 Skopje,
Tel: 02/3074 – 176, 070/240 757, 070 371 707
Dear users,
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using our services. Every visit to our site, as well as every purchase, means that you have read these terms and that you fully agree with them. If they are not acceptable to you, please do not use this web application.
General terms has the copyright of all content (text, visual and audio materials, databases and programming code). Unauthorized use of any part of the portal without the permission of the copyright owner is considered a copyright infringement and is subject to legal action. administers this site from its offices in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. We do not guarantee that the materials and services at this location are appropriate or available for use outside the Republic of Macedonia, and access from an area where their content is illegal is prohibited. No use or export, ie import, is permitted for the purpose of exporting materials or services at this location or any other form of copying or adaptation which is inconsistent with applicable laws or regulations, including, without limitation, the laws and regulations governing the export of Republic of Macedonia. If you decide to access this location outside of the Republic of Macedonia, you do so on your own initiative and consider yourself responsible for complying with applicable local laws. These conditions are interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Macedonia and no principles for resolving non-compliance with the laws will be applied. may revise these terms and conditions at any time by updating this document. Occasionally, visit this page to review the current terms as they are binding on you as a user. Certain provisions of these terms may be superseded by legal notices and terms only available on certain pages of this site.
Materials forwarded by the user (comments and other content)
The personal data that you forward to the site in order to purchase products will be treated in accordance with our online privacy document. It is forbidden to send or transfer to and from this location, any illegal, threatening, offensive, defamatory, pornographic or other materials that are in violation of any law. at this location does not want to receive confidential or other information from you that it cannot freely dispose of. All materials, information and other communications that you transmit or send to this location will not be considered confidential and which may not be freely accessible. has no obligations to these announcements. Our employees may copy, disclose, distribute, apply or otherwise use the communications and all data, images, sounds, text and all materials contained therein, for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. Of course, this group does not include your personal information. We use them only for internal use in accordance with our privacy policy. We do not disclose or forward them to third parties, but use them only to process your orders.
Links to other websites
The links (links) on this site to the sites of independent manufacturers are set solely to make your job easier. If you use these links, you will leave this location. has not reviewed or controlled all of these sites by independent manufacturers, and is therefore not responsible for any of these sites or their content. By doing so, we do not endorse or make any statements about them, or any information, software or other products or materials contained therein, or any results that may be obtained from their use. If you decide to access one of the standalone manufacturers’ websites linked to this site, you do so at your own risk.
User blog may, but has no obligation to, monitor or inspect any part of the site where users transmit or post messages or communicate solely with each other, including but not limited to the user forum, as well as the content of any post on this site. type. However, is not held liable for the content of any of these statements, whether or not it derives from the Copyright, Defamation, Privacy, Offensive or otherwise Law. reserves the right to remove messages that contain material that we consider to be obscene, defamatory, offensive or otherwise unacceptable. All information regarding the buyer transaction – store, is considered a business secret and should be treated in accordance with the legal regulations of the Republic of Macedonia.
Creating an order
To be able to make a purchase on our website you must be a registered user. The registration process is very simple and you only need to enter your personal data. In order to start the registration, you need to click on REGISTER in the upper right corner, where then fields will open where you need to enter your data. After entering all the data, click on REGISTER and you will receive a link on your email, which you need to click on, which will complete your registration and you will be able to continue with the purchase.
Product selection
At the top of each page is a drop-down menu with product categories. Selecting one of the categories will open a page with listed products. On the left side of the page there are filters for filtering products according to: gender, type, type, purpose, manufacturer, price. By selecting the CHECKBOX field next to a specific filter, you turn the corresponding filter on or off. If you have found the products that interest you, you can see the additional information about the specific product by clicking on the image or the name of the product. If you do not know which category the product you are interested in belongs to, you can use the search box at the top of each page. In the field you can enter the product code, brand name, purpose, etc. When reviewing the products that are available for purchase, you will notice under the product field “QUICK EXAMINATION”. When you press that box you will be able to see the product from multiple angles, to select the desired color and size. By pressing the “BUY” box you will be notified that the product is in your basket. It is possible to add the same product to the basket several times.
Contents of the bucket
An overview of all the products you want to buy is available at any time. By simply clicking on the shopping cart icon, in the upper right part of the web page, you open a page that displays all the products selected for purchase. You can easily delete products from the cart or increase their number.
Ordering products from the basket
When you are ready to make a purchase, you only need to click on the “I ACCEPT” button on the page where the basket is located to make the payment. You will be asked to register or log in to your account. The form that you fill in during the registration is filled in only once, and every next time you log in it will be on the already created profile. When you are ready to make a purchase, in the next three steps you need to choose a delivery address, delivery method and payment method. The purchase completion page will then open. If you have changed your mind about the purchase and want to change something, you can simply return to the cart by clicking on the “CONTINUE BUY” box. Returning the paid part is done by clicking on the basket icon.
Once you have received confirmation of the created order, the order enters the processing status. Once processed and confirmed it will be sent for delivery.
Delivery time is maximum 5 working days. All orders placed on Friday or weekend will be processed on the first following business day.
The courier delivers the shipment to the delivery address in the period from 8 am to 4 pm. Please provide a person at the appropriate address for receiving the shipment during this period. If the courier does not find you at the address, it is common practice to ask you at the phone number you entered when creating the order in order to arrange a new delivery date. If in the second delivery attempt he does not find you at the agreed address, he will return the shipment to us. Upon receipt of the shipment, we will contact you to determine the reasons for non-delivery and we will arrange re-delivery.
After the courier service delivers the shipment, please check the product and if there is visible damage (torn parts or crushing) or the product is not in accordance with your order, please send us an email with your details (name, surname and telephone) at and state the reasons why you want to replace / return the package. Please contact us no later than 24 hours after receipt of the shipment. Our operators will inform you about the further procedure, as soon as possible.
You can replace the product in agreement with our operators. You send the product that changes to us by express mail, at your own expense. After receiving the product, we check if the product is damaged, and then we send you a suitable replacement.
If the purchased product has defects in terms of the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection, please act in a manner defined by the rulebook on consumer complaints for goods purchased through an online store, which together with a completed complaint form should be sent to the address pvelkov @
In order to successfully process the orders, we need the name and surname of the client, residential address, e-mail address and telephone number. With the help of the mentioned data we can deliver the desired products, as well as inform the buyers about the current status of the order.
On behalf of, we are committed to protecting the privacy of all our customers. We collect only the necessary basic data for the customers (users) and the data necessary for the work and information of the users in accordance with the good business customs and in order to provide quality service. We give customers a choice including the ability to decide whether or not to unsubscribe from the mailing list. All customer / user data is strictly stored and available only to employees who need it to perform regular work activities. All employees of the company are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.
When entering payment card details, sensitive information is transmitted over a public network in a protected (encrypted) form using the SSL protocol and PKI system, as it is currently the most advanced cryptographic technology. Data security during online shopping is guaranteed by NLB Bank, Mastercard and Visa, so that the entire payment process is performed on the bank’s site. At no time are credit / debit card details available on our system.
If you are registered on our website or you have filled in an online form for obtaining products and services from, based on a written request you have the right:
– To be informed which personal data are processed for you and what are the goals and legal basis of the processing of your personal data,
– Access your personal information and
– To add, modify, delete or choose to stop their further processing.
If you want your data to be corrected or deleted or if you have any questions or suggestions in the field of personal data protection, you can contact us at the following e-mail address:
We note that the e-mail address from which you will contact us and other personal data, as well as the content of your requests or suggestions, will not be used for any purpose other than to respond to your request, question or suggestion addressed to us.
In case of return of goods or refund to a buyer who has previously paid with one of the payment cards, in part or in full, and regardless of the reason for the refund, is obliged to make the refund exclusively through VISA, EC / MC and Maestro, which means that the bank at the request of the seller will return the funds to the account of the cardholder.
All costs related to product return are borne by the buyer, ie the amount for the postage for the first return, the amount for the return is retained as well as the amount that the Commercial Bank charges on according to the valid price list. If the value of the returned product is greater than these costs, the difference is borne by the buyer.
Name and surname
Pance Velkov
Phone number
070 240 757